Bar 6 offers 10 sizes 250lb, 450lb, 650lb, 800lb, 1000lb, 1200lb, 1600lb, 1800lb, 2500lb, and 3200lb. Made of 16 gauge sheet iron, 3/16 x 1½ angle iron, 4” auger, adjustable V-auger cover, 12 volt motor, 10” pulley, rubber belt, electric cords, solenoid and toggle switch, primed and painted white or black. All feeders are able to be installed on pickups or ATV's.
Available in 1200 lb. and 1800 lb. Capacities (based on rolled corn) for Efficient Bunk or Range Supplement Feeding This flush-mounted, live-hydraulic powered bale handler is totally integrated into the rugged flatbed. Winter feeding, summer hay hauling, year-round trailer towing and many other lifting, hauling and towing tasks are easily accomplished from the comfort and safety of your truck cab. Fingertip hydraulic controls enable you to haul, transport and/or unroll two large round or square bales weighing up to 3,000 lbs. each.